Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is There Any Harm In Flirting? or Stay out of that person's face

Ok now is it me or is flirting way over rated. Maybe I just don't know how to do it? Ok so your in line at the grocery store. You see a person of the opposite sex and you make eye contact and smile. They look back return the same and make their way over to talk. Is that good flirting? For me it doesn't work like that. I see someone of the opposite sex looking at me I turn my head, pop my lips and give them the what the he** are you looking at look. I mean really you have anti fungal cream in your cart not to mention generic cereal. I mean really it could never work!!! Or am I wrong?

Your riding in your car down the street and a person of the opposite sex roles up on you. You glance over, smile, look ahead turn back and give a wink. They motion for you to pull over in a lighted parking lot and exchange numbers. Is that good flirting? For me it doesn't work like that. I see someone of the opposite sex role up on me I look over there turn my noise up, roll the window down and say "Honey I'm hoping that's your mother's car cause a man in a pink PT cruiser can do nothing for me. & I just hope that you know they recalled that car seat last month so you may want to investigate that before putting your child back in it and pull off" I mean really it could never work!!! Or am I wrong?

Your at the sports bar just having a drink and a persons of the opposite sex sits down next to you. You speak, strike up a conversation, giggle a little, smile a lot and then exchange phone numbers. Is that good flirting? For me it doesn't work like that. I'm at the sports bar just having a drink a person sits down next to me, they speak, try and strike up a conversation, giggle and smile I can't help but to say, "Honey did you know you have broccoli in your teeth, also I am so sure that you knew that was a smedium shirt when you bought it. That is not muscles sweetie those are breast and on a man they shouldn't sag. Also you've been sipping on that drink for way to long. When the ice melts it's time to let it go. I mean really it could never work!!!! Or am I wrong?

Moral of the story: To all my people the odds of you ever getting an invitation to my wedding is slim to none. I mean really it could never work and I know I am not wrong.

VENT: Ok seriously the mechanic tells me my car is $1500 to fix. I explain to him that I bought this designer outfit from Ross's and that I really don't have money like that. I mean really his thing is labor is what is taken it up. I said Honey I don't see you guys working diligently enough to me that you should charge me for your slowness. Really do like an attorney and have a clock set up to record the correct amount of time you spend on my car. I am so freaking mad that I left out but not before I had to talk myself out of not swiping the entire shelf items on the floor. Jeez

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What is bad Customer Service or Drugs or no Drugs Whitney is the Bomb

The rule of thumb for good customer service is the customer is always right. Ok I am going to give this to you from two stand points:

Your the customer: Ok the girl at the counter is talking to her friends while your standing there. She then turns to you and say "yes can I help you'.....before you get a chance to say anything she bust out laughing and says "boy you stupid'. Ok so you cut her off and tell her what you want. She sighs a heavy sigh and then says "can you repeat it"...... you do. She says just a minute walks away finish her conversation and then comes back and say "sorry we don't have that". Well that's pretty much it so you snap, explain to her that she should get use to making minimum wage because with this type of attitude that's pretty much all she'll ever make. And because your really pissed you begin to explain to her that split ends do not qualify as long hair and painting her nails electric blue is not cute cause that's the color of the uniform shirt. Are you wrong or is she?

Your the customer service person: A person calls and says "how much is your apartments?" You say "$900 a month". They say oh it's $900 a month? You answer AGAIN. They say "what does that include?" You say water they say "oh that includes the water?" sigh You answer AGAIN. They say "what are your requirements" you say "we do a criminal and credit background check." They repeat what you say and say "oh so that's what you do?" sigh sigh. They say "what are you looking for on credit"? Now common sense to me says your looking to see how a person pays their bills because that's all credit is for but you have to answer with a smile. Finally they say "ahhh well do you have to be working cause I've been calling around for 2 hours and everywhere I call they want you to have a job". So you snap and say "well actually yes but for the time you have spent calling around apartment communities you could have went job hunting. Or maybe since you obviously like talking on the phone you could get a telemarketing job. As a matter of fact since you like to repeat what someone says you should apply for a mocking bird gig damn it." Are you wrong or is she?

Just Curious

Vent: Ok for real... I know Whitney Houston had her problems in the past with drugs but there are lots of people who have had habits and we still supported them. Even in WH highest days she still remained a lady and a diva. How many of you have relatives that have used drugs? Did you not still invite them to the family reunion? Did they not be put on paper products for Thanksgiving? People purchase Whitney's new cd don't download it. She is and always will be the #3 Diva... behind Pattie and Aretha.