Saturday, August 8, 2009

Friends How many of us have them or GROW THE HELL UP!!!

What is your take on friendship? I'll give you a second to think about it.....................

Well mine is this. I prefer to hang around people with like thoughts, interest, and hobbies. I do not believe opposites attract. I enjoy laughing why would I want to be around a serious person, I like to read why would I want to be around someone that doesn't, I enjoy current events why would I be around someone that never watches the news or read the newspaper. I am not a slut so why associate myself with a slut. What would we have in common to talk about. NOTHING. I adore travel why be around someone who has never left the area. I eat at nice restaurants why be around someone that feels eating out is a waste of money.

Basically my point is what would we have to talk about. We would be on separate sides of the spectrum. Now I'm not saying you can't be associates but I am saying we can't be friends.

An associates is someone that I know and I am cordial to on a as needed basis. I respect them just because they are human.

A friend to me is someone that you can have good conversation with.... laugh with and enjoy life's simple pleasures.

A super close friend is all of the above in addition to I can share very personal information about myself and my life and know that the person will not judge me but try and help me as much as possible. They genuinely have my best interest at heart.

You know which one you are.

Vent: Who or why at our age goes backwards? I know a person that is willing to settle just for the sake of saying she has a man. WTF that is crazy to me. Is it that serious? Ok look at it like this. What do you have to offer someone, what signal are you sending, what is your expectation. If you can truthfully answer those questions and change the behavior if need be do you really have to go backwards to an old FLING? You would be able to move forward and get a brand new man with your brand new attitude. Jeeeezzzzz

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Has My Job lost their mind or Stuck like Chuck

Wow... I didn't realize that it has been over a month since I lasted posted. I'm sorry people. I am so sure you have not be able to keep up.

Well to bring you up to speed..... I just found out my job said that I am doing such a wonderful job that they don't want to move me to another property. Like really are you serious. Just to make sure that I am clear. You think I am doing a great job and that I have brought the property around but you don't want me to move to another property and do the same because your worried that the property I am at may go down...... Wouldn't the new manager just have to keep up the work?

Hummmmmmm. Ok so I gave you the impression that I am slow and stupid and I am going to settle for that. Well just for the record NNNNOOOOTTTTTT. So it's time to make something happen right. I mean I refuse because I live in the south to be shucking and jiving. I mean do I favor a woman who would wear and Aunjie Mamma scarf and sing old sprituals while shucking corn. Nope. Watch how I put this together people.

Vent: I really hate the the media didn't do a better job of getting the word out that slavery is over. I mean it's been like over 150 years since we'ze been free. I think I will stand at the top of the tallest building and yell it out so that people will know we live in an equal opprunity country.